Android How to: Install Kangakat ROM on the AT&T HTC One (M8)

So you’ve already unlocked the bootloader and rooted your HTC One (M8), now it’s time to check out some ROMs for the HTC One (M8). This one is for the AT&T HTC One (M8) only, although it is likely available for other versions as well. Today, we’re going to show you how to successfully flash Kangakat ROM onto your AT&T HTC One (M8). It’s actually quite easy to do. Now remember you’ll need S-Off, and to be rooted to flash this ROM.

How to Flash Kangakat ROM on the AT&T HTC One (M8)

  1. Download Kangakat ROM
  2. Reboot into recovery
  3. Make a full backup in recovery
  4. Do a factory reset
  5. Then Clear the cache
  6. Choose to install update
  7. Then choose the ROM file
  8. Confirm that you want to flash this ROM
  9. Let it do its thing
  10. Wait for it to reboot.

It’s just that easy. Now the first reboot may take some time due to it building the cache and putting things into place. So be patient and don’t start getting worried if it’s taking a while to boot up. It’s quite natural when flashing ROMs on new devices. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to leave them in the comments down below and we’ll try our best to answer them.