Nexus 6 Devices Running On T-Mobile Slated For Unique Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA Build

T-Mobile has reportedly started rolling out the Android 5.1 Lollipop software as an OTA to owners of the Nexus 6 smartphone from Google and Motorola, listed coming in as build LMY47M, which is unique to T-mobile devices as far as the build number is concerned, although it doesn’t seem that there will be any T-Mobile specific differences compared to builds being pushed out for devices on other carriers. This update was scheduled to begin March 16th (three days ago) according to the T-Mobile support page, and lists that this is an OTA update which can only be downloaded from the pull down via WiFi and that OTA updates capable of being downloaded over the cellular network will push out at a later date. All that means is that users will need to be connected to a WiFi network for this software to come through to the device.

This update will include everything that we’ve previously covered as coming with Android 5.1 Lollipop, which includes the new device protection feature, HD voice, and the usual bug fixes and improvements to help with device stability as well as other somewhat more subtle changes. Sadly, users might also remember that Android 5.0 on some Nexus devices had a memory leak issue that seemed to have carried over with the update to Android 5.1 Lollipop, so users will want to watch out for that as it may appear. The good news is that Google has already acknowledged there was an internal fix for the problem albeit without a timeframe for when it will be pushed out to users.

Some users are already reporting getting the update as of now, and even though the update is listed by T-Mobile has having been scheduled for March 16th, updates takes days and sometimes at least a week before they come close to reaching all users of the device. Starting today and rolling through the weekend T-Mobile subscribers who own a Nexus 6 will want to keep an eye on their status bar for that update notification to appear. The T-Mobile support page doesn’t list the exact size of the software package download, but it’s good practice to make sure you always have plenty of space to make room for OTA’s when they begin to reach users.