HERE Maps Expands Public Transit Data Across The Globe

By now, many Android users should be familiar with the HERE Maps application available in the Play Store. If not, there are many different reasons to check it out as an alternative to Google Maps or as an addition to Maps. One reason being the ability to download maps for use offline for entire cities, states, and countries, which could come in handy when there is no internet connection and Google Maps becomes unresponsive. For some users, HERE Maps may be the only maps app they ever need, with not only a comprehensive set of map data but access to directions and offline navigation as well as information about transit times and directions too.

Today HERE maps has just become more useful to more people as they have expanded the amount of transit data the app includes by adding more cities across the globe, including plenty of cities in the U.S., two cities in Canada, various cities across South America in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Venezuela, and various cities across Europe in France, Spain, and Italy, and in The Philippines. With all these newly added regions, HERE Maps now provides transit directions in over 1,000 cities worldwide and not all are major metropolitan areas, meaning HERE Maps is catering to those in lower population regions too.

The team behind HERE Maps notes that in all 1,000 cities included users will be able to get public transit routes, and that some cities even have the availability to get public transit times for those routes as well. These newly added locations for transit data are made all the more useful thanks to the functions HERE added in the last update, like the nearby button and the third-party content integration which begins with information from Get Your Guide. Aside from adding new cities to the list of places with transit data, HERE Maps has also been continuing to add a more realistic depiction of the transit routes to make things more visually familiar. The latest update to HERE Maps should already be live in the Play Store that includes the new transit data, allowing users to take immediate advantage of it from here on out in those locations.