Twitter Turns 10 Years Old Today, Happy Birthday Twitter

Ten years ago today, Ev Williams and Jack Dorsey, co-founders of Twitter, tweeted the very first tweet on Twitter. And now 10 years later there have been billions and billions of Tweets posted on the micro-blogging site. The site has also undergone a good number of changes over the years. Going from primarily a text-based site for posting 140-character updates, to now having the ability to post pictures, videos, GIFs and so much more. Not only has Twitter changed what you can post on the network, but you can also keep up with the news as it happens. Don’t worry if you aren’t on Twitter that much as Twitter has some features to keep you up with what’s going on when you were away.

Twitter, for the first few years, had some trouble gaining popularity, mostly due to it being new to the game and social media as a whole was still fairly new. But within the last 5 years, Twitter has added a ton of high-profile users including a slew of celebrities and many politicians. Most governors and mayors of prospective States and Cities are on Twitter, to keep their citizens up-to-date on issues. And even the President and First Lady of the US are on Twitter keeping everyone in the know. As of late, Twitter has been the go-to source for many big news stories. For instance the attacks in Paris late last year, it broke on Twitter before the TV crews even got to the scene of the crime to report on it. Which just goes to show the power of Twitter.

On its tenth birthday, the biggest question that many people have about Twitter is, will it see 20? It likely will. Twitter has been evolving with the times, and has gotten better and better at keeping everyone up-to-date in real time with what’s going on. Twitter has grown a lot in its first ten years, and still has a lot of growing to do. Under new CEO, Jack Dorsey, who also helped create the platform, it’s going in a new direction and keeping the 140-character limit. So tweet storms will continue!