The Rumored Samsung Nexus 10 Poses for Video
This weekend so far has been filled with Nexus 10 leaks and sightings. Yesterday a video of the device leaked, while it was only 5 seconds long, it was still long enough for most Android fans to form an early opinion about the device. Continue Reading
More Nexus 10 news:
Benchmark Scores Appear for the Nexus 10
Nexus 10 About Screen Leaked, Confirms Multiple User Support in Android 4.2?
The Nexus 10 Finally Shows its Face with Confirmed Specs and Tons of Pics
Google’s Vic Gundotra Posting photos Using the Nexus 10?
Nexus 10 Manual Breaks Out; All But Confirms Samsung Built Tablet
Promotional Material for the LG Nexus 4 found on Display at Carphone Warehouse Retail Store
The LG Nexus 4 is probably Google’s worst kept secret. We’ve seen so many leaks of this device, including a full list of specs on a pre-order page from Carphone Warehouse (oops!). Now Promotional material popped up in one of their stores. Think it’s fair to say Carphone Warehouse will be looking to hire some new people soon. Continue Reading
More LG Nexus 4 News:
LG Nexus 4 Final Renders Leaked
Promotional Material for the LG Nexus 4 found on Display at Carphone Warehouse Retail Store
LGE960 Leaks Again, This time Confirming 8GB and 16GB Variations
Yet Another Prototype Left in a Bar, This time it’s the LG Nexus 4
Did the LG Nexus 4 Product Support Page Go Live?
Hurricane Sandy wipes out Monday’s Google event in NYC
Sadly, the big “Playground is Open” event that was set for tomorrow morning in New York City has been postponed due to Hurricane Sandy. Now many of us are sad about it, we must remember that safety is important and postponing the event was the right thing to do. We still have no word on when it will be rescheduled. Continue Reading
How Much will this Year’s Nexus Devices Set You Back?
This week our Assistant Editor, Tom, put together a nice article with estimates of what each new Nexus device may cost you this fall. Including the LG Nexus 4, Nexus 7 32GB and the Samsung built Nexus 10. Continue Reading
Sprint Treating Galaxy S3 Owners to Tasty Jelly Beans
Sprint has done it again. After beating Verizon to the Galaxy Nexus Jelly Bean update, they have just beaten out 4 other US carriers to push out the Jelly Bean update to their Galaxy S3 variant. If you haven’t gotten the OTA yet, be patient it’s still coming. You can also try clearing data in Google Framework in the App settings. Continue Reading
If Swiftkey had a baby with Swype, Meet SwiftKey Flow
Swiftkey introduced us to something unique this week. We already know how awesome SwiftKey is at predicting your next words right? Now it’s adding the Swype functionality in SwiftKey Flow. Continue Reading
Samsung Infringes on four Apple Patents, Including Design and Touch-Screen Patents
Here we go with more Patent infringing stuff between Samsung and Apple. It appears that Samsung did infringe on 4 of Apple’s patents, including one co-created by late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Continue Reading
Motorola Finally Rolls Out ICS Update for DROID Bionic
It’s been over a year since Android 4.0 – Ice Cream Sandwich was first announced, and the DROID Bionic finally has it. After being delayed plenty of times, the new Motorola was able to give Bionic owners what they’ve waited for. Continue Reading
Verizon Selling Pre-Owned Samsung Galaxy Nexus’ at $229.99 off-contract
Good news for those looking for a new phone and want to keep their unlimited data. You can get a Verizon Certified Pre-Owned Galaxy Nexus for just $229.99. But if you want to sign another 2-year contract, it’ll cost you just $49.99. Continue Reading