Vine Rolls Out New Watch Button In Latest Update

Earlier today, Twitter-owned social network Vine announced that they have a new feature available for the app. The developers behind the app have announced that they are rolling out a new “watch” button, which will give users the option to play all the Vines on a particular channel with just one tap. Prior to this upgrade, users had to continuously scroll through the different videos with their fingers just so they could proceed with the next video. With this change, however, things have gotten a lot easier for Vine users.

The watch button will be accessible on both the individual channels as well as the different categories available under Vine’s “Explore” section. Developers compare the watch button to Snapchat’s autoplaying stories, wherein the app itself automatically goes through each Vine after the button has been tapped. Once a user sees something they like, they can hold down their finger on the video to loop it and watch it again. Otherwise, the next video in the feed will be played by the app.

According to Vine, this new feature is sure to make its app users pleased with the changes and will be able to enjoy binge-watching on their favorite channels. By adding a watch button, it just proves that Vine has the interest of its users in mind. Considering the massive transformation it has obtained in the last few years, it proves to be one of the most popular apps in the market. Vine now is more than just a social network. Following its Twitter-style of one-to-many broadcasting, Vine users can easily provide content to a large group of people. At the same time, it is mainly used as an entertainment platform, much like how people use YouTube on a daily basis. Perhaps the best way to look at it is that Vine is the lovechild of Twitter and YouTube– but definitely in a way that has continuously proved to be effective. With this new watch button, it’s no surprise why more users will be spending more time binge-watching on their favorite channels. All it takes is to download the latest version of Vine from the Google Play Store.