In case you haven’t noticed, “G is for Google” and while that may or may not be for tax reasons, the Alphabet company is finally getting to grips with the great branding opportunity they’ve had for a long, long time. If the new Pixel phones, “Made by Google” aren’t evidence enough, then perhaps the earlier change of their Google for Work suite of services to simply the “G Suite” is another massive example? Users and businesses alike know Google best for their products and services that people can actually use. The G Suite offers businesses all the services they would need, such as email, document storage, real-time collaboration and a lot more all within the big, bad Google Cloud. Now, Google is joining forces with Intuit, the firm behind the infamous QuickBooks software to make the G Suite even more powerful.
Google Calendar is arguably the most recognizable Google tool in the workplace, and with this latest collaboration, users of the G Suite will see their Google Calendar meld effortlessly with their QuickBooks software. The press release from Intuit states that over 56 percent of QuickBooks users are also Google Calendar users, and with the two now working together, invoicing and keeping on top of payments is even easier. This is what Google gets out of this deal, they get to tap into an ever-growing userbase of QuickBooks users, but what about Intuit? Well, this deal will make it easier for those that haven’t yet signed up for or downloaded QuickBooks, as they can now sign up for QuickBooks online using their Google account info, and the software is also available from the Google Apps Marketplace for G Suite users, too.
These might seem like small crossovers for these two businesses, but this is more about the future of such a deal. After all, these are two of the biggest names in the modern workplace, and while their collaboration might be starting off small, things can only get better. Given how much time and money Intuit spend promoting QuickBooks, this new G Suite integration could also have a knock-on effect for users wondering just what Google can do for their business.